Need to talk? - 813-995-7656  |

Step 1: Create an Account

Creating an account is easy! Just answer the following about yourself.
Already have an account? Log In Here.

Lawyer Contact Information

If you are a litigant buying this policy directly, please enter your lawyer's contact information below. You will enter your information as the client in step 2.


Account Information

Enter the email address where you want your policy documents delivered

(Password must be at least 8 characters in length.)


©2025 by Vanguard Specialty, LLC. All rights reserved.

Log In

If you are a returning client, please log in here.


Talk to an Agent

Thank you for your interest in LegalFeeGuard. Please allow up to 2 business days for a response. We look forward to working with you.

If you need a faster response, call 813-995-7656.


Refer A Colleague

Do you have a colleague that you believe would benefit from the LegalFeeGuard program? Enter their email address below, and we will send them information on our program.
